Monday, April 29, 2013

My beautiful babies!!!

Here they are. I dressed them up this past Saturday and took them to a park. I did a little research before we went for a nice spot. It was suppose to be a waterfall but no water was running when we got there. The rocks were pretty nice. I let them sit how they wanted and told them if they think of any way let me know. I can always erase what I don't want. These are pictures of pictures so they won't look as great as they really do. I went to and ordered the ultimate package is the best for your money with the amount of pictures I needed. For $10. You get 3- 8x10's 3- 5x7's 20- 4x6's and 20- wallets. I then used a coupon code to get $10.00 off. Total came out to be only $21. I picked them up at my favorite Walgreens. If I would have ordered exactly what I needed. I would of had to pay $3.99 for each 8x10 and I needed a total of 9.

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