Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Green beans

One of my favorite home cooked meals would have to be green beans. It's something I grew up on and something so simple and good for you. Cook down an onion until its clear. Add your green beans, sausage and you can also add cubed potatoes. Cover beans with water season to taste and cook for a couple of hours until beans are tender. Excited because I was able to use a bag of fresh green beans. This year our garden didn't do too good. Bugs have been crazy and the bug spray hasn't been affecting them. I love the smell of fresh green beans it has the outside garden smell. We serve over rice and it makes a yummy meal. I have used frozen green beans before but you miss out on that garden fresh smell. They still taste awesome. I have also tried this with chicken but you may want to cook your chicken separate if your like me and hate cutting the fat off before you cook it. So much easier when you do it after. If you have the time then you could boil the chicken make a broth and then shred the chicken and drop it in the beans once they are cooked. 

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