Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Project Payday

 A lot of us are looking for ways to earn a little more cash. We see many scams online and things we purchase to make money turn out to be different from what we thought it would be. 2 days ago I signed up for Project Payday for free. Yes to get started I had to complete 2 offers but they were free and now I have an account. Today is my first day starting to promote it. The first offer I did was the Free Credit Score. To become a VIP member I had to complete 2 offers and I chose Hulu plus as my second free offer to complete. I will let keep you updated on how everything works out. Who doesn't want to have a bit of extra cash in their pockets? If you would like to get started click here to start making a difference in your pockets.

Checkout 51

Checkout 51 is a new free cash back shopping app. Last week I loaded to my phone and started using it. I went to the store purchased my items. Took a picture of my receipt and checked off the offers that I wanted to take advantage of. I made $3.00 by just doing and buying things I normally buy. I received $2.00 in my account for making a purchase of $20.00 or more and $1.00 for purchasing milk. If I would load another deal before tonight I would get another $1.00 in my account but I don't plan on going to the store any time today. When my account reaches $20.00 then I will be able to cash out. New offers are loaded on Thursday. So can't wait to see what will be offered this upcoming week. Using the App on a smartphone makes it super easy to use. Try it out.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Once upon a child

   This place is my new favorite consignment store. Once upon a Child. It's a huge store and I have found stuff for my oldest every time I go to it. They are very well organized and get this I don't even have to seperate the different seasons. On my most recent trip I brought in a box of clothes and found some pretty neat things. My daughter needed a raincoat and I am still in search of one that is light weight but since it is still cool outside she can use the lands end that I found. It's in great condition and well made so it will last through all the girls. It cost $9.50. I was so excited about it.
This shirt which is a justice shirt for $3.50. I get excited when I find clothes from justice at second hand stores. Some of their clothes are way over priced and their clothes are also well made.
Another shirt from justice same price. $3.50. I thought it was cute.

She needed a couple of uniforms still. I found these cute shorts. I love the buttons at the bottom on the sides. They were priced at $3.50. In great condition.

I also found this skort. I love the buttons at the bottom of these and they were in great condition. At $5.50 I couldn't pass them up. 

 I checked out received back my box of clothing that they did not except. Jeans with designs on the side, Hannah Montana stuff I don't want it and they don't either lol sad. A couple of other things. With the credit from them buying some things I received $5.00 back. Not too bad. I also have a card now that gets stamped every time I buy or sell $10 Worth of items. When I fill it, I will get 15% off my purchase. I will be back for sure. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

What a change we have been through.

The girls started their first week of brick and motar school as homeschoolers call it. I do miss them being home since they are gone now for 8 1/2 hours a day. It is a lot easier b/c they are learning from everything from a teacher now. I feel now my dumbness won't rub off on them too much lol. We love our house. Even though it wasn't the one we first looked at. I feel this house was built for us. It's a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom. Our yard is a nice size and the neighborhood is quiet. Not that the one we lived in before wasn't. The girls ride a bus too and from school which makes it easier on me since they now go to two different schools. Katie's school is 5 minutes away maybe less then that and Sara's school is 10 minutes away according to my gps. I am learning my way around and finding some good stores and places to eat that we didn't have across the lake. I am in love with steak and shake. Not a good thing. I want to try all different kind.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


 We heard news from the agent that the closing may be either Monday or Tuesday. So this weekend we will move into my moms house. I guess I need to pack the rest of our stuff up and start moving things. Which is easier said then done. I had a procedure last week. Even though it says you will be back to normal activities within 2 days, I still feel a pull when I pick up my 3 year old. Hopefully by Friday it will be better since that will make a week and I can help out move. I do have to say my oldest two have been helping me out more then normal. So I would like to thank them for that. Their worlds have been a little crazy and its about to get crazier. It will feel like we are jumping around while starting homeschooling. Many things are coming up. Move to my moms, closing, school, my littlest ones eye surgery, move to rental, Halloween, thanksgiving, Black Friday, Disney world, move into the new house, Christmas. That will be our year. Then next year they will be able to start their new school and things will start getting back to normal. I am worried about their grades dropping during all this craziness. I am happy that I have a big hand in that and can see where they are struggling. This should be fun.


Our house has still not gone to closing. We have been in this contract with these people since May 18,2013. With school right around the corner we decided that I will homeschool the girls through the k12 program until we move into our new house. Which will be built at the end of November. We just received our boxes of school work and books. Added up to six big boxes with several smaller ones inside. They are separated by child and subject. We are still in the process of learning everything but hopefully it all works out. 

Little ones surgery

My littlest had her surgery yesterday. She did so good. The dr didn't have to cut her tendon it was just tightened. She was awaken and a bit upset but once I got there and calmed her down she was fine. She threw up twice in the car but still was being such a big girl about it. She said she was hurting once gave her a bit of Tylenol. She slept most of the day. I am proud of her for handling it all so well and not touching her eye even when she really wanted to.  

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Today I am more organized then yesterday. Thanks to hubby for gone get me a bookshelf and my mom for letting us use one of hers. 

Homeschool k12 day 1

  Thinking what in the world did I get myself into. I spent the day running from one computer to the next. Watching videos that should have been giving to us before the first day. Sitting in on orientations, one in the am and the second one in the pm. Realizing that I should of read the books or at least looked at them before the first day of school. Then again how would I have known where to begin. I did find out that they are not graded the same way as in school. ABCDF. They get graded on a percentage scale of how they completed their work. The lesson isn't done until they got it. Which is good. They have to actually know it. That's what I wanted all along. Even though the curriculum is suppose to be up with the standards of Louisiana. I am a bit worried they will fall behind when they do enter a public school. It's new to all of us and we are trying to work things out. At least we did get through math on the first day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day of

   Today was the day of closing. Guy didn't know he could not buy a house with having a temp job. Maybe he didn't know his job was only temporary? I have no clue. We decided to stay with my mom a bit longer. We moved all of our stuff everywhere. Maybe I should start selling it all. Lol I don't see anything happening. Trying to take one day at a time. My days should start getting really busy with homeschooling starting tomorrow. So I have to ask. God what is your plan? 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Green beans

One of my favorite home cooked meals would have to be green beans. It's something I grew up on and something so simple and good for you. Cook down an onion until its clear. Add your green beans, sausage and you can also add cubed potatoes. Cover beans with water season to taste and cook for a couple of hours until beans are tender. Excited because I was able to use a bag of fresh green beans. This year our garden didn't do too good. Bugs have been crazy and the bug spray hasn't been affecting them. I love the smell of fresh green beans it has the outside garden smell. We serve over rice and it makes a yummy meal. I have used frozen green beans before but you miss out on that garden fresh smell. They still taste awesome. I have also tried this with chicken but you may want to cook your chicken separate if your like me and hate cutting the fat off before you cook it. So much easier when you do it after. If you have the time then you could boil the chicken make a broth and then shred the chicken and drop it in the beans once they are cooked. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Coupon folder

This is my coupon folder I take to the store with me. It's easy to carry and has pretty much everything I need in it. I bought it from target for only a dollar. The new one that is black and white was made cheaper then my old pink one but my old one was falling apart. I painted a heart coupons on the back of it and started labeling the inside. One of the most important things I do is make sure I put an address label on the inside with my cell phone number. To me that is money. I label the different store that I visit most often. CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Winn Dixie, Dollar store ( dollar tree, family dollar and dollar general), Kmart,Target, Expiring, File, Out. Expiring tab I use for of course ones that are expiring. If I am not going to use them, I put them in front of the products so others can. Like a coupon fairy. File I use for coupons that I pick up while shopping. I never seen so many coupons on products until I stopped shopping at Walmart. Out is for restaurants. I also keep a pair of small scissors, calculator, and pen. You never know and yes I have cut coupons in the store before to use them in that trip. In each slot I put either the small keychain rewards card or the big. Sometimes both just in case I stick my card in the bag with all the exciting deals. 


I am so excited about next Wednesday. My oldest daughter was a fourth of a point from having the highest GPA out of first grade last year. This year she worked her butt off and will receive many awards. The principal wants to just keep her on the stage. One of the biggest awards will be the highest GPA in  second grade. Very proud of her but I was asked not to tell her. I am about to burst with excitement for her. So proud. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Icecream pops

I am sure you have seen the many recipes on Pinterest for different pops. I purchased the jelly belly molds from winn dixie for $2.99. I love these because they are separated from one another. Makes it so easy for the girls to grab. We first made the chocolate pudding ones. I tried the vanilla but those didn't go as fast. I than tried banana pudding. I put a cherry at the bottom. It was pretty good. Then I found the daddy red cream soda at the dollar tree. Before you put it in the freezer let it sit. Or you will have a mess in your freezer. It tasted like a snowball. Will do those again. I would like to try the root beer. Thanks to Emma for being my model. Even with her bed head she does a great job.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Easy pork chops with black eye peas.

I am not really crazy about black eye peas. I eat them for New Years for luck. That use to be it. One day I decided to try some frozen ones from winn dixie. They were on sale for $1. I had 5 pork chops and my kids are meat eaters and I was try to figure out a way to stretch those pork chops. So I chopped up an onion started cooking it down in water and added the beans and then the pork chops all to one pot. I am sure someone has done this before but not I. I was just praying the family would like it. After cooking it down for a couple of hours. The pork chop broke up in the beans. It gave the beans this awesome flavor. It just went so well together. Now I do it this way often and tried different types of beans with it. This is how it looks all thrown into a pot. It's still cooking right now but will post a picture later.

My beautiful babies!!!

Here they are. I dressed them up this past Saturday and took them to a park. I did a little research before we went for a nice spot. It was suppose to be a waterfall but no water was running when we got there. The rocks were pretty nice. I let them sit how they wanted and told them if they think of any way let me know. I can always erase what I don't want. These are pictures of pictures so they won't look as great as they really do. I went to and ordered the ultimate package is the best for your money with the amount of pictures I needed. For $10. You get 3- 8x10's 3- 5x7's 20- 4x6's and 20- wallets. I then used a coupon code to get $10.00 off. Total came out to be only $21. I picked them up at my favorite Walgreens. If I would have ordered exactly what I needed. I would of had to pay $3.99 for each 8x10 and I needed a total of 9.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Walgreens brag books only .99 cents

Mother's Day is coming up. My mom and mother in law buy what they want when they can so when it comes to buying gifts its always easier to just give them pictures of our girls. Yesterday we went to the park and took some amazing pictures with the girls. At Walgreens they have a good deal on brags books regular $6.99 for only .99 cents. You can pick backgrounds and different pictures. It came out so cute that. I ordered one for myself also. After all I am a mother and those beautiful kids are mine. I can't wait for it to come in. I also ordered some 8x10s for them and us. Once I pick those up. I can show you how easy it is to just go out and take pictures.

Swiffer duster

I purchased a sniffer wet jet years ago. I had a coupon and I wanted one. I ran out of the solution a long time ago. I still love the swifter. I never was crazy about the mops where you reuse the same mop that never is really washed over and over again. I found this towel at the dollar tree. My floor was very dirty. I wasn't feeling good for the past couple of days. If I don't do the floor it won't get done. Besides 10 feet running around here I can mop everyday and the floor would never be clean enough. So today I decided to test out the towel. As you can see it picked up a lot of hair, dust and dirt. I will purchase another one. My mom would say to my dirty floor you should be ashamed of yourself but I am not. I do what I can. If I lived my life feeling what she probably thinks of me because no my house is not spotless. I would be so depressed.
Eww. I really do clean my floors.

1 of the many reasons I shop at winn dixie.

My gas light came on in my car letting me know it was empty. After a month of shopping at winn dixie I take my rewards card to Shell station. This month I had $1.30 per gallon on my card. Gas being $3.17. Made my gas only $1.99 a gallon. Awesome price. Paid $34.00 to fill up my tank.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Awesome day.

Today my youngest had a doctors appointment and the girls were off of school so they had to come with me. I decided to surprise them with a day of fun. I didn't go prepared so I stopped at McDonald's picked up 4 burgers and 2 large fries. It came out to $8. And some change. We already had drinks. Cheaper then 3 kids meals and a value meal for myself. We went to a playground that a friend of mine was telling me about. We had a picnic and played for an hour and a half. Then we went for snowballs. When we got home I let them play outside for a while since dinner was already cooking in the crockpot. No my housework didn't get done but spending time with my girls was so worth it. Besides it will all still be there tomorrow but my girls will be in school. They were awesome today.