Monday, April 22, 2013

Baking bacon = more time for other things

I ran across this idea one day. It's one of those duh moments. Why didn't I think of that? We like to have a nice big breakfast at least once a week during the weekend. We would spend hours just on bacon. Some days we would finally finish breakfast at 11am. Save me from having to worry about lunch but that was a lot of wasted time on bacon. Now I put the oven on 350* and for 20 minutes. I leave it in the oven and turn it off. Keeping the bacon warm. While I cook everything else.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Get a free new app from amazon.

Everyday you can download a new app at Today's free app is to train you to run a 5k. Normally would cost $1.99. Today is free.  .Here

Friday, April 19, 2013

Corn on the cob

I found this tip on Pinterest for easy corn on the cob. It did make it a bit easier to peel the corn and a lot less time since it takes a while just for the water to boil. However the flavor wasn't as good as when you boil it. My 7 year old said it tasted like the hair found on the corn. My 2 year old was upset that I wasn't letting her help pull the husk off the corn. So we will stick to the old fashioned way.   Here

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mexican Pizza ( copycat Taco Bell)

I found this recipe on Pinterest. The girls love Taco Bell and we are always looking for healthier ways to eat. Yes fast food places are convent but what do they do to your food before it gets to you is so gross. Make sure before you put on the topping and filling the tortilla is very crunchy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Advent Calendar

This year I wanted to do something a little different. I am trying to raise my kids to have big hearts and understand that its not always about receiving but also about giving. I also have to make it fun for them.
December 1- 1st day of Christmas. Santa Claus is coming to town. I purchased a pack of Christmas cards from the dollar tree and yes it took a lot of time but I wrote the words to Santa Claus is coming to town inside the card and signed it Love Mom and Dad. We watched the movie and I found white cotton candy at the dollar tree. Scratched off some of the label and wrote with a black paint pen. Santa's beard. They were scared to try it at first and even thought it was really his beard. lol. I also painted Santa Claus on their nails. Looked something like this. I didn't do the face. I put it all in a brown paper bag and made a colorful 1 on the front of it. I also put on the back of the bags what we will do that day and on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree.We also made Santa Handprint ornaments. Recipe Here. I put the year and their name on it.

December 2- Snowflakes was our theme. We made snowflake ornaments with white playdough. They are still drying but says on the container will dry hard. I will put a coat of mod podge on them a ribbon and those will be given out. I wrote tho song Let It Snow on the card and we sing those songs all day long the kids love it. We cut out paper snowflakes and decorated the house with them. I even figured out how to get Mickey's face in one. We were suppose to make snowflake tortilla's but ran out of time. This will be done on the 3rd day of Christmas. Recipe can be found here.

December 3- Writing letters to Santa. On weekday we won't have as much time as on weekends to this one will be pretty fast. On the back I put on the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me a 3 french hens. Inside the bag I put 3 Santa sheets of paper my mom printed off the internet, envelopes, and a new pack of pens. Next year I want to add cute Christmas stamps to decorate the envelopes with. After they finish writing them we will bring them to Macy's to drop them off in the big red mailbox. Might not happen until this weekend.

December 4- Teaching my kids to feel good about giving not just receiving is important to me. Today we played For every book you read they help out with giving books to those in need. Right now they are helping out those affected by hurricane Sandy.

December 5- We read the book I've Seen Santa. We actually already owned the book so I just wrapped it up and inside the bag I found some candy at the dollar tree. Pack of 6 I hid them around the house and they had to find them. 2 of them were Santa.

December 6- Dance to Christmas music. I let the girls pick some Christmas songs to dance to. I found cute little poprock candies at dollar tree that came with a sucker and had Christmas characters on it.

December 7- Have a sleepover under the Christmas tree. My girls always love sleeping in the living room. Hubby moves a mattress to the floor and we watched a Christmas movie on netflix. We actually fell asleep pretty soon. lol

December 8- Polar Express Day. We watched the movie and while watching I made some bell ornaments by tying a red ribbon to some cute bells I found at the dollar tree and made them each a necklace with the bell. After I wanted to do a hot chocolate tea party but our tea pot and cups are MIA. More then likely packed away. So we just had hot chocolate. Then we went to the mall and rode the little train that goes around in a circle. Waved to Santa who was next to the train. When they get older I would love to go ride the trolley car.

December 9- Was Ornament day but my mom wanted to do something with the girls so our stuff was pushed to the side. They did make some cute paintings at my moms. Next year I would like to try and cut out ornaments with them using cookie cuters and some foam paper.

December10- Nature Scavenger Hunt. I set up 2 a just in case it was raining outside and one for outside. It rained really hard that day so I am thankful for the inside one. I put things like Santa, snowman, red ornament, candy cane, gift, different Christmas stuff. The last one I put open your box and it was some bubble gum.

December 11- Nativity Story. I know I have this book around here. Must also be packed away. I printed the nativity story and wrapped up a small nativity set, I already had. I would like to look for a plastic one so they won't break it. That is on my list for after Christmas sale. Also I wanted to put the song Away in the Manger in the bag but ran out of time.

December 12- Read One Snowy Night. Also a book that we already had. I wrapped it up and inside the bag I put red felt that was cut in the shape of a hat with needles and thread. We will make ornaments out of them. Hopefully they come out cute and no one sticks themselves.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hunger Games Movie

 This past weekend we decided to purchase The Hunger Games. I knew my oldest would like it. I would of loved to read the books but maybe when she gets a little older that will be one of our summer goals. I was worried once speaking to my mother about my 7 year old watching the movie since there is a lot of kids killing kids in the movie but then I thought about it. Harry Potter has alot of killing also and she was fine with that one.
  In the movie there is a lower class and if they get more food then they are given their names get put into the bowl. The rich pick 24 names. If you seen the previews the older sister volunteers once her younger sisters name gets pulled. They then train for the games over the next couple of days. Finding out the boy from district 12 has a crush on the girl from district 12. They use that to get sponsors. They need sponsors in order to get items in the game. Its pretty cruel how the kids get treated. It turns out good but I won't spoil it for anyone. Then again it left me wanting more.
Its a really good movie. If you haven't seen it yet, you should.

August 21, 2012 Free stuff

Free Finish PowerUp samples Here

Gymboree Class - FREE with Coupon Here

Volcanoes  activity book Here

Free Taylor Swift Fragrance sample on Facebook Here

Teachers - Free Copy of Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand Book Here

Free Purina Cat Chow Healthy Weight Sample Here

2 Free Admission Passes During Museum Day - September 29th Here
Free "I Love Vegetable Gardening" Bumper sticker Here

Get Your Free Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Kit Here

Free Mr. Food eCookbook ABC's of Back-to-School Here

Free Nordic Naturals Wellness, Sport or Pet Pack Sample Here


Friday, July 13, 2012

Dinner was very yummy..

 Every Friday Mo's Pizza in Westwego makes some awesome roast beef po boys.

Yes its messy and sloppy but so worth it. Don't get there too late b/c if they sell out you have to wait until next Friday to get one.

skin tags...

When I was pregnant with my girls I ended up getting some skin tags. One fell off on its own Sunday. It was hurting for a couple of days like it was irritated when I would rub my hand across it. It became a scab and just fell off. So I decided to try an idea I read somewhere on the internet about tying a string to cut off the circulation. On Monday 7/9/2012 I wore a string around it the whole day. Every now and then I pulled it a bit. Yes it did hurt alittle but not too much. The next day I cut the string really short. By day three when I woke up I noticed that the string was gone and the tag had become more brown. 7/12/2012 It was a hard scab and I just kept rolling it until it just fell off. One more skin tag down. My husband goes to the dr and pays to get them off. I get mine off for free. lol

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I want to wish....

My daughter Katie Happy 7th Birthday. I am very blessed that you are part of my life. You are smart, beauitiful, sweet, and a good girl. I hope you enjoy your day.

Alex Oxford

  This is my friends little brother he was diagnosed with ALD you can read up on it here. If your looking for something to do this weekend and would like to help out this family go shake your tail feathers here. If not there are other things going on that you can get involved in. Their facebook page is Alex's Angels.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sterling Silver Jewelry Club

If your looking for a gift for someone this would be a site to try out. The jewelry is free, you have to pay for shipping which is $6.99. A bunch of cute stuff. The selection changes maybe every 10 mintues. Sterling Silver Jewelry Club.

Dare to compare.....


My oldest loves frozen waffles. She eats them almost every morning for breakfast. I decided to compare Aunt Jemima buttermilk waffles with Eggo buttermilk waffles. Aunt Jemima at Winn Dixie is usually on sale more often and cheaper, about $2.00 a box. This past week I picked up a box of Eggo waffles for $3.29 plus I received .05 cents fuel perks which = $1.00 if you fill up your tank to 20 gallons which I never do. Aunt Jemima waffles are hard even after toasted. At times I even had to use a steak knife to cut them. Eggo waffles I never had that problem they are always just right. So I decided to write to the companies and let them know what we thought. I will have to get back to you when they respond but we are sticking with Eggo waffles until Aunt Jemima changes something in their recipe so they are not so hard.

Monday, July 9, 2012

1 of my favorite websites....

Free You can learn new things while ending world hunger. Every little bit helps. I didn't notice it until my 6 year old was playing and pointed it out to me but you can also change subjects. Humanities, english, math, chemistry, language, geography, science, SAT. My little one likes to see how much rice she can get. Great site.

I would like to wish......

my sister in law Laurie a Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day and enjoy your dinner tonight at Sakura's.

Free stuff!!! Its like getting a present in the mail.

Kids eat for Free when you purchase an adult entree. Between July 9 - 11th. Print out this coupon.   

Free sample of Purex UltraPacks (still available)

Free clear trash bag from the SAKet Co

Free sample of Pro Force Carpet Cleaner. Sam's Club member # needed.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Winn Dixie Trip 7/7/2012

2-Berio Olive Oil BOGO $6.99-2 @$1/1 MFQ = $4.99/2= $2.50 each
Daisy sour cream $1.49 not on sale
2-Blue runner navy beans $1.00 each
Ramen Noodles 6pack $1.34
2-Taco Bell Dinner kits BOGO $3.19/2= $1.60 each (comes with sauce, shells and salsa)
2-Strawberry fig newtons BOGO $4.49-$1/2 MFQ= $3.49/2=$1.80 each (really yummy)
2-Doritos BOGO $4.49/2= $2.25 each
Disney Princess fruit snacks reg. $3.29 on sale for $1.99
Eggo Waffles $3.29 no sale but did get .05cents fuel perks (needed this for Katies birthday)
2- Community Coffee reg. $5.99 sale $4.50 each
2- Kraft cheese BOGO $4.19/2= $2.10 each
Bag Granny Smith apples $4.99
2-cucumbers .50 each
2- strawberry 1 lb. each $1.77each
6- Peaches $3.61/6=.61 cents each
Because I bought the fig newtons I had 2 coupons to get free fruit up to $1.50 off so -$3.00 off my fruit. Not too bad. I did get back a $5 off $55 purchase for next week.

Total $92.08 before card and coupons
After $50.30
Fuel perks are up to .30 cents
Total savings $40.57

Friday, July 6, 2012

Why didn't we think of this?

Nail Polish Key Covers

At the parent center we had many keys. We decided to mark them with marker but the marker would always rub off. This is such a good idea.

Freebies July 6, 2012

So exciting getting fun stuff in the mail. I love getting samples because they are free and a lot of times there is a coupon with it. I love coupons.

Sign up for another free Garnier hair care samples.

FREE sample of Starbucks K-Cups Coffee.

FREE sample of Shout Color Catcher. (Same link as above. Just scroll down.)

FREE Purina Cat Chow Healthy Weight sample.

FREE coupon for a Good ‘n Natural Bar! (upload a picture of your favorite place)

Chick-fil-A: Dress like a cow, get a free meal (July 13, 2012)

7-Eleven: Free Slurpee on July 11, 2012

Send a Free Independence Day Card to Our Troops & Veterans

iTunes: Free Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode II Lite App

Teachers - Receive 2 Free Student Treasures Sample Books