Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday August 5, 2009 is a site where you can post jobs or find odd jobs. I just looked to see what they had here and nothing was posted but maybe you can find something on there to make a couple of extra dollars.
Yesterday the girls and I made some Easy Sugar Cookies. They came out pretty good and of course the recipe made too many. My old cheap cookie sheet actually cooked the cookies better then my new higher priced cookie sheet. Go figure. They still came out good and for the last 5 cookies I put some strawberry kool-aid in the dough to make the cookies pink and shaped them into hearts. The cookie jar is full at least it was not sure how many hubby got his hands on.
Kool-aid is good to have on hand if you need to change the color of things. I used it on icing to make it pink and it had a strawberry flavor to it. I realized this one day when we were mixing kool-aid and my hand turn orange. For only .20 and you don't have to use the whole packet its worth having.

Free Moose Poster Redwood Creek Here Not sure what people will do with this but have at it.

FREE 2 year subscription to Lego Magazine Here look on the side where it says click your country.

FREE Scope mouthwash, free Crest toothpaste, & a free Oral-B pick Here. Hurry before they run out.

Free Playtex Sport sample Here Hurry on this one also.

Right At Home is offering another free gift! It’s the Glade Fall into Fragrance Gift Pack.

I use to love taking pictures and would take them all the time. I had 2 wonderful cameras 1st one broke b/c sand got into it the second one broke when my mom was looking at pictures and my daughter pulled it out of her hand it landed on the floor *cry* the one I have now isn't that great. I went the cheap way and it shows. The pictures don't come out as clear as my other pictures did with my other cameras. Anyway if your good at taking pictures of things maybe someone might be interested in buying your pictures. You can post them at Zymmetrical, crestock, or bigstockphoto and sell them. All are free to sign up.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday August 4, 2009

Go to fullsize image Disney's Christmas Carol Train Tour is coming to New Orleans this weekend. Its free. Which means it will be very crowded. I will try and remember to post it again but I can't make any promises. There will be Carolers, snow and much more.

Dizzywood is free to play. A young kids game. Older then 4. Check it out here. No need to download anything. Make your little avatar and explore the world.

Really neat site Switcheroo zoo where you can switch around different parts of an animal. Also you can build an online habitat for some animals. Change different things. They make noises that the girls think are really funny. Click Here to check it all out. So many other things to check out.

Yesterday I watched that show The Secret Life of An American Teenager. They skipped the summer and wow the baby John looks a lot older. The summer is what 3 months. I'm not sure how much time went by right after she had him but he was just a tiny baby last week lol. Anyway that guy Ricky and Adrian like sex alot. They are sleeping with each other and sleeping with someone else. What kind of show is this? Then the mom (Anne) who is pregnant with the dad George's baby is sleeping with the other guy and about to marry him even though she knew it was his baby. Speaking of that other guy he is on that commercial I think its for Gas-X. Pick up line toot. Is it a good show to watch or have your teens watch?

Kid to Kid consignment shop is pretty neat. You can sell your childs clothes or toys that they no longer can use. You can either get a store credit or cash. You get more if you get a store credit. Also if you sign up for updates from the store you know about sales and such that are coming up. Yesterday I got an email for 20% off my purchase of used items. I am planning on going there this week so that works out perfectly. They have alot of stuff and they won't take things that are messed up. If you do bring toys in make sure they have good batteries b/c if it don't work then they won't take it. They also have maternity clothes.

Free AIR OPTIX® Brand Contact Lenses Here
FREE Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Healthcare Pack Here
Free Pen and Poker Card Deck Here
OXY MAXIMUM Cleansing Pads Here

*STARTS AUG 4 ** Selena Gomez FREE MUSIC DOWNLOAD Giveaway / FEMALES 13-29 / first 10,000 Here enter the code "debutselena

The Mix / Walgreen's Summer Concert Series Free Music Download Here Enter the Download Code (WAL1019)
FREE Career Success Guide Here


OfficeMax has some great deals available, including the following:

$0.01 Items!
2-Pocket Basic or Prong Folders (limit 6)
12″ Wood Rule (limit 3)
Sharpie Mini Permanent Marker w/ coupon (limit 3)
$0.10 Items
OfficeMax #2 Pencils, 12-pack (limit 3)
OfficeMax Filler Paper (limit 3)

$0.50 Item
Composition Book (limit 6)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday August 3, 2009

Last night hubby and I ordered Knowing with Nicolas Cage. Good movie. Then again I like those types of movies. Are there really aliens out there and will this world come to an end the way it did on knowing? If you knew the world was coming to an end what would you do?

We went to Old Navy yesterday with our $50 off of $100. Katie got 1 shirt and a skirt really cute together she picked it out of course its pink. Sara got this dress shirt Tank not the right picture put close shorts in pink. I found a pair of light blue jean capris, 2 shirts one is even purple the other black I cant find the pictures of those. Hubby got this shirt and 2 other just white shirts. Total $58 with the coupon. It resets every Thursday I hear its at different times. How I would love to get my hands on one of those $75 off of $100. I am sure people have programs to get them as soon as it resets. If you want to try it out go here. There are still some left but not the good ones.

Katie wanted to get a new game for the wii with her birthday money its called Barbie Horse adventures. As cute as it may be for her its kind of hard for her to control the horse and the barbie. I am worried about a little map that is on the game. It stays up and it may burn into our tv.
Katie has been playing on this cute little game JumpStart 3D it cost 7.99 a month but you can play for free. I haven't really looked at it too well but from what I see she can do a couple of things and she enjoys it.
Tax FreeI will try and remember to mention this at the end of the week but I might not remember this weekend August 7 &8 is Tax Free in Louisiana. Lets go shopping.
5 Free Lullaby Downloads from Johnson's Baby Here
The Five(5) Lullabies are:
* Lullaby & Goodnight
* Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
* Hush Little Baby
* Rock-A-Bye Baby
* All The Pretty Horses

Free sample issue of Teen Ink's Print Magazine Here
If you forgot about getting your $10 of free food from Schwans click here I just ordered mine and I picked something that was $9.99 after taxes I owe .04 which I will pay at the door when they drop it off instead of using a credit card for that little bit. Hopefully its good.
Sample of Dove Shine Shampoo Here

Free Glaucoma Eye Test Here

Free Sample And Catalog From Union Pen Here
Free $4.50 credit for video on demand Here

Annies Calendar Here you need a UPC
Free Book "Breathless Bethany Buttercup" Here

Allure’s August ‘09 Free Stuff Blowout! Here Maybe your one of those lucky ones.

Monday, August 3
12 pm Derek Lam Suede Sandals ($790)
1 pm Redken Fabricate 03 Heat-Active Texturizer (retail value: $13)The First 500
2 pm Shiseido Makeup Perfect Rouge Lipstick in RD304 (retail$25) The First 325
3 pm Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer (retail value: $8.99) First 250
4 pm Clarins Renew-Plus Body Serum (retail value: $60) The First 15
5 pm Sebastian Professional Trilliant Thermal Protection and Shimmer Complex (retail value: $19.95) First 500
6 pm Gueriain Kiss Kiss Gloss in Beige Secret ($29) First 250
7pm Mattese Elite Eyeshadow Frost in Copper Bronze ($12) First 150

August Seventeen Daily Giveaways! Here August 3 - shimmer - 4 lip shines from LaVanilla - 9 winners
10 Free Van’s Warped Tour song downloads on iTunes Here
Free sample kit Skull Screws Ear Plugs Here business
Drink Your Vitamins Samples Here
3 FREE VCF (Vaginal Contraceptive Film) Samples Here
FREE 3D Glasses Here
FREE Arabian Horse Booklet & DVD Here
Samples from Twig One Stop(Promo Items,Printing,Posters,Magnets,Pens,Notepads,more) Here

Friday, July 31, 2009

Weekend July 31- August 2, 2009

Go to fullsize image I wanted to get a message out. If you or you know someone who makes copies of coupons to use. It is stealing and your making it harder for everyone to use coupons. The manufactors do not reimburse the stores for the coupons that have been copied so where does the store make up for the amount that was stolen the sameway when someone steals from the store they raise the prices on the other items. Even if you are not a couponer this is hurting you.
Hncheerios-main_Full Free sample of Honey Nut Cheerios and $1/1 coupon Go here

The weekend is here and the end of July. School will be starting soon. Today alot of coupons expire since its the end of the month. 2 very good ones 1 for the free zipper bags and the other for the free sugar how sad lol. I did get a good coupon yesterday. $50 off of $100 at old navy. They were out pretty fast and I was looking to get the $75 off of $100 but am happy with what I got. It will be used on Katie mostly. With school coming up she will need uniforms. Last night we made some hot dogs with the noodles sticking out of them. The kids liked making them. We cut the hot dogs up and stuck the noodles in them before boiling them. It was pretty funny looking. They also had a cucumber and yogurt that I stuck in the freezer right before serving so it was almost like ice cream. It was really good. I want to try the whips that way. My kids always get hungry again when people would normally be going to sleep. So I decided to make fresh bread and it was done around 9:30. Hubby walked in the house a little after 10pm and was able to munch down on some hot bread. I was also excited about my Caregivers Marketplace refund coming in the mail it was $7.50.

Today is Friday. Free Chocolate click here. You will get a coupon in the mail for a free chocolate. I'm not sure how fast these go but they only have 250,000 every Friday.
Last Day to Apply for $40 TV Converter Box Coupon! Today 7/31 Here If you have already received coupons, but they expired before you could use them. You can check the status and apply for them to be re-issued here
Don't forget to check out the game giveaway of the day Saturday and Sunday Here
Also gamehouse games free game giveaway a new game everyday Here

August 1, 2009 Kids Workshop at The Home Depot a Message Center I wonder if my kids could get in. This is cute. Says its designed for ages 5-12 9am-noon.

Find an event at Barnes & Noble Here

FREE 2009 Pocket Planner W/ Tips and Resources for Healthy Bones for Life Here
FREE Bowling on September 5! Nationwide at Participating Locations Here
AbcFree Tag Junior Book $10.99 value Here
Free Music Download from MTV Here

Pampers Gifts to Grow code, good for 1 point FREECODE0809EXP Here

Free Microflex Latex or Nitrile Gloves Sample Pack Here company and Distributor name required.
Free Sensible Portions Cheating with Chocolate sample Here
Rhapsody Free Music Download Daily Here. A new one everyday. Not sure if its good songs that are free but its worth checking out.

Free Rhapsody download of I gotta feeling by black eyed peas Here
Free autographed poster of your favorite weatherman here I don't watch the weather enough to know a weatherman. Thats kind of funny.
Register With Dogster/Catster To Get A Free Febreze Pet Pal Pack Here
Free Tanning Butter Here
Giveaway of the Day - Photo Stamp Remover Here .Photo Stamp Remover is a photo correction utility that can remove scratches, dust, stains, wrinkles, tears, date stamps and other unwanted artifacts that appear on photographs.

Astroglide X Free Sample Astroglide X Premium Lubricant Sample Here