Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday July 29, 2009

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Yesterday flew by me. Even though we stayed home I had somethings to do around the house. This week we are working on the letter P and the number 4. My kids think playing school is a blast and I encourage it. I get to spend time with them and they are learning. Yesterday we traced then painted our feet. Then they started to paint themselves. I try to get them to do at least one art project a day. We played alot of little games. It didn't help that my stomach was acting up. Before I knew it, it was time for them to go to bed and I went right behind them. I did catch up on some of my sleep but I probably could of slept a little longer.

Go to fullsize image FREE Skateboard Stickers Here

Get McAfee Internet Security 2009 for free after rebate. It’s $60 and qualifies for free Super Saver Shipping, plus the full-price rebate form is right on the order page. expires 8/1.

The Princesses Save the Ball DVD Here This little movie is pretty cute. It doesn't last long enough but it works.
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Loreal Revitalift Deep Set Wrinkle Repair Here also some coupons.

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Go to fullsize image Free Sample of Greenies Here I miss my puppy.

FREE Sarah Jessica Parker's New Lovely Collection Sample Here

Go to fullsize image Schwan's Free $10 in Food - on 8/1 Here I typed in my zip and they deliever to me. woohoo. You have to be one of the first 500,000.

FREE Copy of 40 Page Handbook for Unemployed Here

Free Caffeinated Soap - First 4,000 Here forget coffee just take a shower.

Aquachem Free Bottle of Test Strips Here
Free Lundberg Family Farm recipe booklet Here

Go to fullsize image FREE Copy of Fortune: Secrets of Greatness Here 1st 500

Go to fullsize image Free El Baton Cigar Here

Go to fullsize image Motorcycle Catalog on CD Here

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday July 27, 2009

Today I woke up kind of late at 8. I still jumped in the shower to get ready to go to the consignment shop. It was the first time I had ever been in there. Its a nice size store and I had 2 boxes of toys to bring in. We are over crowded with toys right now and if I can get paid to get rid of them why not. While we waited for them to price our stuff we looked around the store. They have some cute things along with some overpriced things. We found 3 nightshirts for Katie. Bowes for each of the girls. They were new and cute. I could probably make them. We also stopped at CVS to get the free scissors with a raincheck I had b/c we don't have enough pairs in the house for them to play with. I also picked up the toothpaste. Colgate was $2.88-$1Q I had and they gave me back $2 ECB. So I made money on it which is always nice. Most of the weekend was spent on baking all kind of goodies. We didn't have enough baking pans so my bread that I made Saturday was made into pizza dough. Everything came out very good. Off to the good stuff.
Big Fish free game Prism Here

Sesame Street Activty Sheets for kids printable Here
Access to 10,000+ songs online for free Here
Free Bag Caster & Pollux ORGANIX Dog or Cat food Here
Free Prevent Overdose, Save Lives Purple Ribbon Sticker Here

Asleep By Dawn Magazine and CD Here

Free e-book Scrapbook Trends Mini Albums 2008 Idea Book Here
Free eBook "Green IT for Dummies" from HP Here
Free eBook "SOA Adoption for Dummies" from Software AG Here
Free Copy of Pray Big Book Here
Roots of Nature Sample Here
Back & Neck Pain Remedy DVD Here

Free Magnet & Lunch Bag For Kids Here submit a question.
If your question is cool enough to get posted on the BrainsRule web site, you get a free lunch bag!

Get a free Neru patch for foot and leg discomfort Here

Free Dog Treat Sample Here

Thumbnail for Lorax Activity Book publication. Dr. Seuss Lorax Activity Book - mail or download Here

Free Sample of Smoking Pipe Tobacco 21+ Here

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24-26 Weekend

Fantastic Age a browser game with little games in it. You can dress your charcter, chat with others online while exploring the worlds. Its free check it out.

Go to fullsize imageThis looks like a neat little project. Paper Bead Jewelry. Comes out looking pretty cool. It would be a good project for the kids to do and give for Christmas. Doesn't even look like paper. Thrifty fun has alot of awesome ideas that you can use or if you want to share one go ahead I am sure someone will want to check it out. You can also sign up for their free newsletters.

Michaels LogoMichaels printable 40% off coupon Here good til August 1.

Free Minute Maid Novelty Item + Printable Coupons Here

Free Sample of Total Blueberry Pomegranate Cereal Here

Free Mattel GeoTrax DVD - Steamer & Samuel Save The Day! Here

Target printable coupons Here. You can always stack manufactor coupons and store coupons so your getting more off. There is a $1 off of 2 Bic and you can use the printable from $1 off of 2 Bic with it.

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Today I didn't plan to wake up to this. Hubby says someone charged to our account again. This is my play card to get my money out of paypal and things but I haven't used it in a while so I haven't put any money on it. I think it may of had $2 on it. Anyway they charged $7.95 for Fedgrantusa. I don't want any federal grant money. Then another from a clickmoney for $59.95. So they then charged me overdraft fees b/c I didn't have that money in there. $35 x2. I called the bank and canceled the card. Called the numbers that the bank had given me for the companies only 1 answered. She kept saying she would refund the $7.95 but I told her I wanted the overdraft fee also. The supervisior doesn't get there until 8 so I have to wait. The other company I guess I will wait until 8 to call them also. I'm not sure what kind of company they are but I will find out. I did plan to wake up and take a shower first thing before the girls got up b/c today is their dr's appointment and we have to be there by 3. Then gymnastics is at 6. I know we have alot of time to get ready. I like to take a shower when the girls are still asleep so they don't get into anything they are not suppose to.

Go to fullsize imageHeading to walmart this weekend why not pick up some Free Chef Boyardee. Print this coupon for $1 off they are $1 or less. You will get other coupons along with it to use later. They don't expire til 1-3-10. Don't forget to print twice.

Go to fullsize imageThis program called Youdata has paid me about .10 every week. I know not much but it adds up. Thats all I have to do is click on an ad with a program that was downloaded to my desktop once a week. I am sure you can make more money but I haven't really tried. Its free to sign up. Give it a try. Every penny helps.

Free Hip Hop CD Revenge of the B-Boy: Episode 2 Here


Lowe's build and Grow clinic Saturday July 25 Here to sign up. 10am-11am you might want to get there early.

Healthy Lunchbox Guide from Ziploc w/UPC’s Here

Go to fullsize imageBuild-A-Bear $5 off $25 Coupon! Exp 8/31/09 print here

Default Go to fullsize imageFree Sample of Airborne Here

FREE Enhanced Desire Sample Here

Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife Screenshot 1 Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife Screenshot 2 Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife Screenshot 3 Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife Screenshot 4

Gamehouse-Todays Free Game is Luxor the game changes everyday.

FREE Patty Reed Paper Dolls download Here cute

Go to fullsize imageFree Omaha Steaks Cookbook Here

Go to fullsize imageFree Timmy Curran CD Citsuca MP3 Download Here not sure who this is. Maybe you do.

Go to fullsize imageHuggies Pure and Natural Free Sample of 3 Diapers Here

Go to fullsize image30 Free itunes songs from Stanford University Here No registration necessary, need not be a Stanford student. Not sure what songs are on there. Expires September 30, 2009.

Go to fullsize imageMetaplace a virtual world where you can chat with some friends and hang out. Its free and no need to download anything. When signing up you can even invite friends from there. You can chose the way your avatar will look. Ok its better then I thought you can build, play games, interact with others, turn your house into many different things then connect to things your selling on the web, design things for the game, etc.... Building is almost like the sims.

Go to fullsize imageIts Friday Free Chocolate you only have 2 Friday's left so hurry up. Click Here

Go to fullsize imageGain with Fabreze Freshness Sample & $1.00 Coupon Here. I really do love the smell of gain. Since I have been hanging alot of our clothes to dry in the bathrooms it makes our bathrooms smell really good.

Go to fullsize imageMolehill Empire game Here its a free little garden game using your browser so nothing to download.
Oasis Environmental-Packaging Sample Kit

Oasis Environmental-Packaging Sample Kit Here Cds are not included.

Yesterday I made the girls some cute little lunches on their new plates from walmart. They were only .98 each and the same color so no fighting. I cut their names out of bologna, nuked a potato with butter and the cheese if they wanted to put it on top or just eat it like that with vanilla pudding. Behind the potato is the left over bologna. Learning and lunch all rolled into one.