Surprise Surprise!! I had a very nice surprise in my inbox yesterday. A $25 gift card for How did I get it? A site called Reward Port. I have been waiting on it for over a month now and thought for sure I could file it under scam site but I am very happy they proved me wrong. With the $25 gift card I ordered We Cheer for the Wii. I had that set since I first ordered the gift card. Looks like it will be some good exercise and fun to play with my daughter. I try to look for games where you don't have to aim the remote toward the tv b/c those can be a little hard for her. She moves her arm too fast and you will only see the hand zoom across the screen. We will miss out on the tee ball game tonight. My oldest is still running fever and I think my little one now has it. Another nice surprise yesterday was the rain. It rained for a bit longer then the past two days. Other then that I did some things around the house. Trying to get rid of the germs. I know I won't be able to get rid of all of them until she is no longer sick. In the mail I recieved the dunkin donuts coffee sample and a carefree sample with coupon. Katie my oldest also recieved her birthday card from her grandfather and grandmother who are truck drivers. We don't get to see them much.
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